Rules and Regulations of IECR
1. The Members and Officers of IECR are working on voluntary basis and no payment is given to them. Membership is non-transferable and once the payment is made, it is non-refundable. Any kind of misbehavior or misconduct mat result in rejection of membership of IECR.
2. IECR will not be responsible for any misuse of identity Card issued to the membership during the course of their Membership with IECR on expiry, the Identity Cards must be submit to the HR Office.
3. After expiry, renewal is a must for regular membership. In case of change of address. Member should inform the same to the HR Office.
4. TIn case of loss the identity Card, inform the HR Office in writing along with the F.I.R. immediately.
5. All IECR members / Officers should contact their respective District / State Units office once in a month.
6. Applicant can use photocopy of the application form which will be duly acknowledged by the HR Office once revived duly filled in.
7. Strict action will be taken against the Member, if found guilty floating the rules and regulation of IECR.
8. If you have any doubt, question or problem, please contact IECR Head Office.
9. All right reserved to IECR and all disputers subject to jurisdiction of KOLKATA onlyRED ALERTS FOR MEMBERS
10. Without completed documents, a candidate is not nominated as a member / Officer of IECR.
11. IECR Members / Officers are not authorized to issue any kind of letters to any department without consent and written permission of Director General or Authorized Officers of IECR.
12. IECR will not be responsible for any such behaviour and will take strict action against anybody found guilty. Every Members / Officers required complete own team under three months of date of joining. They can only provide recommendations to the Governing body
13. IECR will not be responsible for any members nominated without written consent of Governing Body and their membership is invalid. Strict legal action will be taken against such people.
14. A person having an ID Card with no hologram and wrong unique code or fake hologram and unique code is not a member of IECR. You can also verify your unique code on our website
15. All are independent bodies of the IECR Controlled by the Governing body . Will keep good vigilance on day-to-day transaction the expenditure done by the members of the IECR will submit reports. Will have the power to cancel the membership if got any serious complaint and will set up inquire committee with the related issue. To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps from head quarter of Director General.
16. To ensure the development of the IECR; the members so as to establish better understanding co-ordinating and unity amongst the all members. To nominate and cancellation authority to any nominated post by the authority of Director General.
17. All the correspondence of IECR working should be done on papers in writing. Any letter written by any member of IECR should have approval from the Governing body
18. All members of IECR have power to join new member with IECR. Any members of IECR can apply application to Director Secretariats for fund required for any work of IECR.